Wednesday, October 17, 2007



by Lithopedion

"I'm sorry!" Kim said, as tears streamed from her unseeing eyes, "I didn't mean to make you mad!" She felt a sharp sting, as the knife slashed across her side. She yelped in pain, and crouched as if to shield herself. But it was no use. The knife slashed across her face, cutting deeply. She screamed again, and was answered by only laughter. "Why are you doing this to me?" Kim cried. No answer. She lashed out, futilely trying to hit her attacker. Again the blade cut her, this time on the back. She fell on the ground.
"Time for you to die, bitch!" a male voice yelled gruffly. Violently the man grabbed her, and threw her against the wall. She began to cry out again, but the knife plunged into her throat, and she felt nothing more.
Carlos set down his knife and stood, his shirtless, muscular body wet with blood. "God, that was good," he said.

Three Weeks Later

Ian sat in the park, admiring the feel of a summer breeze across his face, and the grass between his feet. Nearby, a couple sat, happily laughing and talking, and a man played frisbee with his dog. Ian didn't see this though. He heard it. That was what you had to do, when you were blind. Learn to use your ears. Let your other senses take over. He rembered a movie that a friend had told him about. In it was a blind swordsman, who had used bright light to blind his enemies, and then defeat them. Their sight was their weakness. He had sort of adopted that as his own personal philosophy. Don't think of it as a weakness. Think of it as a hidden strength. His thought were interrupted as he heard someone sit down next to him.
"Hello," a pleasant female voice said.
"Hi," he replied.
"What's your name?"
"Ian," he said, "What's yours?"
"I'm Alice," she replied.
"How are you today, Alice?"
"I'm doing great. Actually, I just saw you sitting over here, with your walking stick and all, and thought I'd give you a ride back to your house, if you'd like." Ian thought for a moment.
"Alright," he said, "on one condition."
"What's that?" Alice asked.
"Don't give me a ride out of pity. Give me a ride just cause you're a nice person." Alice laughed. She had a very pleasant laugh, I an thought to himself.
"What's wrong with having pity on someone?" Alice asked.
"Oh, there's nothing wrong with pity, nothing at all," Ian responded, "But I don't feel that I need pity. I don't feel that I have a weakness, so therefore, I have no need for pity." Silence. Then Alice spoke.
"That's amazing," Alice said, "You're really an incredible person, aren't you?"
"Nah," Ian said, blushing slightly, "I'm just an ordinary guy, doing what I have to."
"And he's modest!" Alice exclaimed, "Why couldn't I have met a guy like you a long time ago?" Ian turned his head in the direction of her voice, and raised an eyebrow.
"Is that a pick- up line?" he asked, grinning. He could sense Alice blushing.
"Yeah, I guess so. I dunno, it just sorta slipped out."
"No need to apologize," Ian said, "I'm flattered."
"Really?" Alice asked.
"Yeah, I need the ego boost. Most girls feel too sorry for me to come up and talk to me."
"You're single?" Alice said surprisedly.
"Oh, hell yeah. I've been single for like a year. You sounded surprised to hear me say that. How come?"
"Well, you're really cute."
"Well, I guess having a blind boyfriend is a turnoff for most girls," Ian said.
"Not for me," Alice replied, "at least then you know your guy isn't looking at other girls." Ian laughed.
"That was good, I'll have to remember that," he chuckled. "So," Alice said, "would you, maybe, wanna go have some coffee sometime?" Ian smiled. "I'd like that."

"Well, I should probably drop you off, and then go home."
"Ok," Ian said. They made their way over to her car, and she helped him in.
"Alright," he said, "go up to 23rd street, take a right, go three blocks, take a left, and my house is the first one on the right."
"Ok," Alice said, as she started the car, and put it in gear. As they drove, Alice turned on the radio.
"In other news," the announcer said, "there have been no leads in the stabbing death of Kimberly Westerfield. The blind 17 year old was found in a dumpster, stabbed to death. Police believe she is the fifth victim of an apparent serial killer, who appears to choose his victims based on the fact that they are blind, however she is the first female victim. Police chief Daniel Starke stressed that they are working day and night to solve this case, but at present, have very few leads. If you have any information about this crime, please contact-" Alice shut the radio off.
"Horrible, just horrible," she said, "what kind of monster would do that?"
"Yeah, it's a shame," Ian said.
"Are you scared of that guy?" Alice said.
"Sort of," Ian replied, "but I figure I'd at least put up one hell of a fight. Who knows, I might win." He grinned.
"Well, here we are," Alice said.
"Thanks," Ian said.
"So, when do you wanna get together?" Alice asked.
"How about tomorrow, if you're free?" Ian said, after thinking for a moment, "You know where I live, so just come by around three, and we'll get together."
"Sounds good," Alice said. She reached over, and gave him a peck on the cheek. Ian blushed.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow then," he said, as he got out and closed the door.
"Ok, see you then," Alice yelled, as she drove away. Ian whistled happily as he walked inside.

Alice picked Ian up at three o' clock sharp.
"What would you like to do?" She asked.
"I have no idea. It's totally up to you."
"I dunno, I guess we could go watch movies at my house, or something."
Ian smiled.
"Oh God, I'm sorry!" Alice cried, "I'm so stupid! I just forgot, that you were, you know-"
"Don't worry about it," Ian said laughing, "that would be great. I love movies."
"I still feel stupid," Alice said.
"Well don't, it happens," he replied. They arrived at her house, and went inside. Alice put in a movie.
"I'm gonna make some popcorn," she said.
"Mmm! Sounds good to me," Ian said happily. Alice put some popcorn in the microwave, then headed into her bedroom.

"He's here," she said to Carlos. Carlos smiled.

The microwave beeped, and Alice got up, to get the popcorn. She returned, and gave it to Ian. Carlos came out of the bedroom and on a second couch.
"I'll be right back," Alice said to Ian. She moved over to the second couch. Carlos lifted up her dress, and took off her panties. Then his fingers went between her thighs. Alice's eyes closed in ecstacy. She could barely keep from moaning. Then, Carlos took off his pants, and penetrated her. She gasped quietly. She didn't think Ian had heard her, but that was half the fun, thinking you might get caught. Carlos was excited, so it didn't take him long to finish. She pulled up her panties, and he put his pants back on. Then Alice composed herself.
"Sorry I took so long," she said, sitting down next to Ian. Carlos could barely keep from snickering.
"No problemo," Ian said, smiling in her general direction. They continued watching the movie. Alice put her hand on Ian's knee. She moved her hand slowly up to his groin, caressing the zipper on the front of his pants. Ian didn't seem to mind.
"I'll be right back again, hon," she said cocquettishly.
"I'll be here," Ian said softly. She motioned to Carlos, and went into her bedroom. Carlos followed.
"Let's do it now," she said.
"Yeah," Carlos said, grinning sadistically. He pulled his knife from out of a nearby dresser. "I'll fuck with him for awhile," he said, "then you come in. I want you to deliver the killing blow this time."
Alice laughed, "Ah, he'll be so sad."
Carlos snickered. "I hope so," he said. He walked into the living room, closing the door softly behind him.

A few minutes later, Alice emerged. Ian was sitting, watching the movie. She looked around. No sign of Carlos. He's was probably taking a smoke. Or hiding. He liked to drag it out as much as possible. Well, it was time to end this. She walked over to Ian.
"I have a surprise for you," she whispered.
"Me too," he said smiling. Alice pulled out her knife, and moved towards him. Ian looked up at her. Looked at her.
"Surprise!" he snarled, as she gasped in horror, "I'm not blind!" She started forward, but was stopped by the sight of a .357 Magnum.

"Where's Carlos?" Alice asked, trembling.
"Carlos? Your big, strong man?" Ian yelled. He motioned to the floor behind the couch. There was Carlos, staring up with empty eyes, his neck bent at an impossible angle. Alice screamed.
"Surprise number two!" Ian said. He raised the gun.
"Wait!" Alice shouted, "How did you do that? I mean, I could have sworn you were blind! How did you do it? Were you... were you blind once?"
"Surprise number three," Ian said. Then he smiled, a smile that did not touch his ice-cold eyes. "No, I was never blind." Then his smile faded, into a look of pure hatred. "But my sister... Kim... was."

Alice didn't even have time to scream, as every single bullet ripped through her brain.

The End

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